Source code for ai4materials.utils.unit_conversion

Module for unit conversion routines. Currently uses the Pint unit conversion
library ( to do the conversions.

Any new units and constants can be added to the text files "units.txt" and

NOTE: this is taken from python-common in nomad-lab-base.
It is copied here to remove the dependency from nomad-lab-base.
For more info on python-common visit:

The author of this code is: Dr. Fawzi Roberto Mohamed

from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import str
from builtins import object
import os
import re
import logging
from pint import UnitRegistry
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# disable warnings from pint
ureg = UnitRegistry(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "units.txt"))

[docs]def register_userdefined_quantity(quantity, units, value=1): """Registers a user defined quantity, valid until redefined. The value should be equal to value using units, with value defaulting to 1 """ if not re.match(r"usr[A-Za-z]*", quantity): raise Exception("User defined quantities should start with usr, and contain only letters") if "=" in units: raise Exception("Units should not contain an = sign") float(value) # value must be a float number ureg.define(quantity + ' = ' + str(value) + " * " + units)
[docs]def convert_unit(value, unit, target_unit=None): """Converts the given value from the given units to the target units. For examples see the bottom section. Args: value: The numeric value to be converted. Accepts integers, floats, lists and numpy arrays unit: The units that the value is currently given in as a string. All units that have a corresponding declaration in the "units.txt" file and combinations like "meter*second**-2" are supported. target_unit: The target unit as string. Same rules as for the unit argument. If this argument is not given, SI units are assumed. Returns: The given value in the target units. returned as the same data type as the original values. .. codeauthor:: Fawzi Mohamed <> """ # Check that the unit is valid unit_def = ureg(unit) if not unit_def: logger.error("Undefined unit given. Cannot do the conversion") return # If no target is specified, assume SI automatically if not target_unit: Q_ = ureg.Quantity pint_value = Q_(value, unit_def) # Base units are defined in the "units.txt" file, and they are the SI units. converted_value = pint_value.to_base_units() return converted_value.magnitude else: # Check that the given target unit is valid target_unit_def = ureg(target_unit) if not target_unit_def: logger.error("Undefined target unit given. Cannot do the conversion") return Q_ = ureg.Quantity pint_value = Q_(value, unit_def) converted_value = return converted_value.magnitude
[docs]def convert_unit_function_immediate(unit, target_unit=None): """Returns a function that converts scalar floats from unit to target_unit All units need to be already known. For more details see the convert_unit function. Could be optimized a bit caching the pint quantities Args: unit: The units that the value is currently given in as a string. All units that have a corresponding declaration in the "units.txt" file and combinations like "meter*second**-2" are supported. target_unit: The target unit as string. Same rules as for the unit argument. If this argument is not given, SI units are assumed. Returns: The given value in the target units. returned as the same data type as the original values. .. codeauthor:: Fawzi Mohamed <> """ # Check that the dimensionality of the source and target units match. if target_unit is not None: source = ureg(target_unit) source_dim = source.dimensionality target = ureg(unit) target_dim = target.dimensionality if source_dim != target_dim: raise Exception( "The dimensionality of unit '{}' does not match the dimensionality of unit '{}'. Cannot do the unit conversion.".format( unit, target_unit)) return lambda x: convert_unit(x, unit, target_unit)
[docs]class LazyF(object): """helper class for lazy evaluation of conversion function""" def __init__(self, unit, target_unit): self.unit = unit self.target_unit = target_unit self.f = None def __call__(self, x): if self.f is not None: return self.f(x) else: self.f = convert_unit_function_immediate(self.unit, self.target_unit) return self.f(x)
[docs]def convert_unit_function(unit, target_unit=None): """Returns a function that converts scalar floats from unit to target_unit if any of the unit are user defined (usr*), then the conversion is done lazily at the first call (i.e. user defined conversions might be undefined when calling this) For more details see the convert_unit function. Could be optimized a bit caching the pint quantities Args: unit: The units that the value is currently given in as a string. All units that have a corresponding declaration in the "units.txt" file and combinations like "meter*second**-2" are supported. target_unit: The target unit as string. Same rules as for the unit argument. If this argument is not given, SI units are assumed. Returns: The given value in the target units. returned as the same data type as the original values. .. codeauthor:: Fawzi Mohamed <> """ if "usr" in unit: return LazyF(unit, target_unit) else: return convert_unit_function_immediate(unit, target_unit)
# Testing if __name__ == "__main__": import numpy as np # Float a = 20 unit = "angstrom" target = "m" a_c = convert_unit(a, unit, target) print(a_c) # Numpy arrays b = np.ones((3, 3, 3)) unit = "angstrom" target = "meter" b_c = convert_unit(b, unit, target) print(b_c) # Operators c = 20 unit = "eV*angstrom**-1" c_c = convert_unit(c, unit) print(c_c) # Lists d = [20, 10, 0] unit = "angstrom" target = "m" d_c = convert_unit(d, unit, target) print(d_c) # Temperature e = 25 unit = "celsius" target = "kelvin" e_c = convert_unit(e, unit, target) print(e_c)